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Deja Vu Game Walkthrough

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  1. Deja Vu Nes Game Walkthrough
  2. Deja Vu Meaning Psychology

Joe's Bar


Enterprise fawcett wood furnace manual troubleshooting. Walkthrough: Deja Vu. Photo: USA Today Sports Images 09 Oct 2008, 12:02pm. After the first game of the 1988 season, Davis acquired quarterback Jay Schroeder. Deja Vu/Walkthrough This is a walkthrough for Deja Vu; the first level in the Duke: Nuclear WInter expansion. This walkthrough is based on Let's Rock. Deja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True - Solution DEJA VU, by Mindscape, Inc., seems to have been created for the Macintosh. It may be available for other computers; but, I played the Mac version. The game is played almost entirely with the mouse - just point and click or drag when necessary.

Take the overcoat and the gun. Open the overcoat to look in the pockets. Open the door and go through, then look in the mirror. Open the door here and go out to the hallway. Enter the women's bathroom on the left, and enter the toilet stall. Pick up the earring from the toilet, then leave the stall and the bathroom. Now open and head through the other door to the bar room. Head up the stairs on the left. Look at the pictures on the wall and you will recognise yourself as 'Ace'. Open the door and enter the office.


Open the desk to find an envelope; open this and examine the note inside to see a pharmacy bill, complete with an address. Now use the key from inside your wallet (inside the overcoat) to unlock the door. Open the door and head through. Examine the corpse, then take the keys. Open the desk here and take the pen and key. Open the window and climb through. Go up the fire escape. Open the window on the 3rd floor and go through. Open the wastebasket and take the syringe. Examine the 3 empty vials on the shelf. Hit the button next to the elevator, then go inside. Press the second button from the bottom, then leave the elevator to find the casino.


Put coins into the slow machine until you win the jackpot, then take all the coins from the machine. Go back into the elevator and press the bottom button. Exit into the basement.

Sewer and Alley

Save your game as you may get eaten by an alligator. Go forward, right, and up the ladder. Open the manhole and climb out. Head out to the main street. You will want to save your game quite regularly from now on; when the mugger arrives you can punch him, but only a total of 4 times.



Use the mercedes key on the front door of the car here. Open the front door and get inside. Open the glove box, and examine the photo, registration form and note. Leave the car (don't start the engine or you will blow up). Head right and punch the hooker, then open her purse and take her gun and 20 dollars. Return left twice to find a newspaper stand. Take a newspaper, then give a quarter to the newsboy. Continue left, where you may meet a bum - give him the 20 dollars in exchange for information. Keep going left past the weapons dealer to the taxi.

Taxi Cabs

Get in the taxi and talk to the driver, telling him to go to '1212 West End Street'. Put 3 quarters into the pay slot, then get out of the cab.

Stanford Arms

Open the door and go inside. Use the access card from your wallet on the slot next to the elevator, then head in. Use the card on the slot here, then get out of the elevator when you reach the penthouse. Examine the photo on the fireplace to find another address. Go back downstairs, get in the cab and tell the driver to go to '520 South Kedzie'. Put 3 quarters into the pay slot, then get out.


Try to open the door here, but it is locked. Shoot it with your gun, then go inside. Look at the note on the table to see a combination, and pick up the second earring to match the one you found at the beginning. Open the desk drawer, then take the diary and take the key. Go back outside and get in the tab. Tell the driver to go to '934 West Sherman'. Put 3 quarters into the pay slot, then get out.

Office Building

Open the door and go inside. Go forward along the hallway to find the office of Doctor Brody. Use the key from the bungalow to unlock the door, then open it and go inside. Shoot the filing cabinet, then examine the first file - you will see the name bisodiumitis in the list of drugs ordered by Joey Siegel. Take this drug from the medicine cabinet, draw it up in your syringe, and use it on yourself. Now take some sodium pentathal from the cabinet and put this into the syringe. Back out of this office and go back to the lobby, then head upstairs. Unlock the door to Ace Harding's office (with the bungalow key again) but don't open it. Shoot the silhouette with your gun. Now open the door and go inside. Open the filing cabinet and read the files, then open your desk. Take the spent bullets from your gun and replace them with fresh ammo from the box here. Head outside and get in the cab. Tell the driver to go to '1060 South Peoria'. Put 3 quarters into the pay slot, then get out.

Joe's Bar

Go right until you reach the bar. Use the bar key to unlock the front door and go inside. Head upstairs, through the secretaries office and left into the room with the corpse. Open the safe with combination '33-24-36'. Open the folder and read the file. Open the box and take the key. Go back outside and use this new key to open the trunk of the car. Inject the woman with your sodium pentathal, then remove her gag to hear a new address. Head left to the taxi cab, and get inside. Tell the driver to go to '626 Auburn Road'. Put 3 quarters into the pay slot, then get out.


Open the mailbox, then open the envelope and read the ransom note. Now approach the house. Use the knocker on the door, and punch the butler when he arrives. Head upstairs and into the first room on the left. Open the nightstand here and take the notepad. Use your pencil on the notepad, then examine it. Leave this room and enter the other upstairs room. Open the nightstand, then open the envelope and take the letter. Go outside and get back in the cab. Tell the driver to go to '1060 South Peoria'. Put 3 quarters into the pay slot. Save your game then get out.

Joe's Bar

Head to the back alley of Joe's bar and go down into the sewer again. Climb down the ladder and head down to find a whirlpool. Put your gun in here. Climb back out of the sewer and head right from Joe's to find the police station. Go inside. As long as you have the diary, notepad and letter, you will clear your name.

Deja Vu
Quest Info
LocationTime Valley
Starter NPCAsher
RewardAs follows:
  • 1300 Experience Points
  • 28 Emeralds
  • 1 Familiar Essence

Deja Vu is a medium level 14 quest that plays out in the Time Valley.

  • 7Stage 6

Preview[edit | edit source]

A shovel that Asher finds in the Time Valley causes him to get stuck in a time loop. When he suddenly disappears in the present, Old Man Martyn requests the player's help to prevent Asher from dying in the past.

Stage 1[edit | edit source]

» Talk to Asher near Time Valley.

Location Time Valley X -449 Y 72 Z -1153Wynncraft Map


  • Asher: Well well well, look who decided to come back with their tail between their legs.
  • Asher: Two weeks now and you still haven't found it? Ugh, I can't believe I ever trusted you with such a simple task.
  • Asher: Who am I? WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHO AM I? You offered to help find my shovel, and I've been waiting two weeks!
  • Asher: Forget about your payment. Unless you either pay me back or get my shovel right now!
  • Asher: My shovel? That's why I sent you out in the first place! It's somewhere in Time Valley. I lost it while looking for purple flowers to the west.
  • Asher: Now are you going to hold up your end of the deal or not?

Stage 2[edit | edit source]

» Find Asher's shovel.

Location Time Valley X -572 Y 70 Z -1104Wynncraft Map

Crepax story of o pdf converter. Dialogue:

  • Whatever that odd feeling was, it's over now. And there's Asher's shovel! Better return this to him.

It is west of Asher's house, behind a tree with flowers. Once you teleport, a shovel will spawn on the ground able to be killed to obtain the shovel.

Stage 3[edit | edit source]

» Return Asher's Shovel to Asher.


  • Asher: Well hello there, stranger! Welcome to Time Valley! Always nice to see a new face around here.
  • Asher: Mad at you? Why would I be mad at you? We've never met.
  • Asher: I know this a bit forward, but I need to ask for your help with-
  • Asher: Wait, is that-? It is! You've found my shovel! I recognize those markings anywhere.
  • Asher: But why is it so rusty? Ah, no matter. Give that to me and I'll head inside to get you a nice reward.
  • Asher: Thank you. Now, about that reward-
  • Asher: Wha- What's happening?
  • Old Man Martyn: Oh dear, there he goes again. Poor fool ignored my warnings and touched that shovel.
  • Old Man Martyn: He's gone and got himself stuck in a loop.
  • Old Man Martyn: Head inside, soldier, and I'll explain what's happening here.

Stage 4[edit | edit source]

» Enter Asher's house.


  • Old Man Martyn: Without Asher, his house has vanished from time.

Stage 5[edit | edit source]

» Talk to Old Man Martyn.


  • Old Man Martyn: Let me explain why Asher disappeared..
  • Old Man Martyn: Time Valley was built many years ago by a long-lost civilization.
  • Old Man Martyn: They had odd powers. They ended up distorting time itself.
  • Old Man Martyn: The tools they used to make these structures are imbued with their power.
  • Old Man Martyn: Asher found one of these tools. The shovel.
  • Old Man Martyn: The shovel is tethering it's time of influence to today. It keeps sending Asher back.
  • Old Man Martyn: The issue is, Asher died in the past. This creates a paradox.
  • Old Man Martyn: We can save him if I send you back to prevent his death. Go through this rift to join him in the past.

Stage 6[edit | edit source]

» Find a way to save Asher from his death.

Part 1[edit | edit source]


  • Asher: Huh? Where is everyone?
  • Asher: Usually this place is filled with workers.
  • Asher: But no one's here. And this place is clearly not done.
  • Asher: Whatever the case, I should probably find my shovel.
  • Asher: If I were a shovel, where would I be?
  • Asher: Hmmm. Not around here.
  • Asher: This place.. There's so much going on but no one here.
  • Asher: What I don't understand, though, is why this place looks brand new.
  • Asher: This place looks like it's just being built!
  • Asher: This must be something to do with the valley's magic. Wouldn't be the first time.
  • Asher: Heh, time.
  • Asher: In fact, whenever I hold that shovel, this kind of stuff seems to happen.
  • Asher: Maybe it's sent me way back. Back to the construction of this place.
  • Asher: Then why is no one here?
  • Asher: Woah, that tree looks like it might fall over!
  • Asher: That was a close one!
  • Asher: Uhf! How do they have a cannon? These guys must be super advanced.
  • Asher: I think I'm close now. I can just feel that shovel close by.

If Asher dies from the Crane:

  • Asher: Wait, what's that-?
  • Old Man Martyn: My my, a crushing defeat to be sure. You'll have to find a way to stop that.
  • Old Man Martyn: Go back through the rift and make sure Asher doesn't become a pancake this time.
Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains spoilers relating to How to save Asher from the Crane.
Climb onto the building at the right side of Asher's path. Use the golden pressure Plates to go up faster.

If Asher dies from explosives:

  • Asher: Wait, what's that-?
  • Old Man Martyn: Well that was quite the explosive end to our friend there. There must be a way to prevent that.
  • Old Man Martyn: Head back in there. This time with less explosions.

Deja Vu Nes Game Walkthrough

Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains spoilers relating to How to save Asher from the Explosion.
After saving him from the crane, follow the arrow to the next button.

If Asher dies from the cosmic event:

  • Old Man Martyn: Oh, so close on that try. Who could've guessed that was how our friend met his end?
  • Old Man Martyn: I'm sure you'll nail it this time. Not sure how you will stop a cosmic event, though.
Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains spoilers relating to How to save Asher from the cosmic event.

Follow the arrow on the ground to the canon. Find the Cannon Key and a Cannon Ball and press the button.


Location Time Valley X -3990 Y 71 Z 1255Wynncraft Map

Cannon Ball:

Location Time Valley X -3975 Y 71 Z 1243Wynncraft Map

Part 2[edit | edit source]


  • Asher: Oh there it is! My shovel!
  • Asher: I'm surprised it took me back this far this time.
  • Asher: Well, time to head on back-
  • Asher: Wait, Martyn
  • Asher: Ow! What was that for?
  • Old Man Martyn: Asher, you remember when I allowed you to live in the valley, I told you not to touch any odd objects.
  • Asher: I.. Might recall it.
  • Old Man Martyn: You got yourself stuck hundreds of years ago. If it wasn't for this guard, you'd be removed from existence.
  • Asher: Oh.. So that's where I am. I am so sorry Martyn. Please don't kick me out of the valley.
  • Old Man Martyn: I know time travel can be tempting. But it's far more dangerous than you can ever understand.
  • Old Man Martyn: The valley is banned for most citizens. I watch over this timeline because of poor souls like Asher.

Part 3[edit | edit source]

Dialogue: Refx nexus 2 torrent mac.

  • Asher: Holy Bovine!
  • Old Man Martyn: Ah, we're back.
  • Asher: How did you get these powers? Are you even human?
  • Old Man Martyn: Oh you know. I've read a book or two in my time.
  • Old Man Martyn: (Player), I'm sorry I got you dragged into this. I wish I could have done it myself.
  • Asher: I probably could have gotten myself out..
  • Old Man Martyn: You died in the past. Multiple times.
  • Asher: I did?
  • Old Man Martyn: Yes. In some surprising ways too.
  • Old Man Martyn: (Player), I'm sure we will meet again.. in time.
  • Old Man Martyn: See you around.
  • Asher: Uh, you're still here.
  • Old Man Martyn: Am I?
  • Asher: I don't understand Martyn. He seems to know everything about the past. Here, come closer, I want to whisper something.

Stage 7[edit | edit source]

» Talk to Asher.


  • Asher: I think he might have known Bob. I saw some letters in his house.
  • Asher: Weird, right? Bob was a hard guy to know.
  • Asher: Anyway, take this. It's the least I can do to pay you for saving me.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Deja Vu Meaning Psychology

  • This quest was added in the 1.18 Economy Update and replaced Suspended Flowers.
    • When in the past, there is a sign that reads, 'WARNING COSMIC EVENT INBOUND, ALL OLM EVACUATE.' Which could possibly mean Time Valley was an Olm city.
  • Old Man Martyn is named after the youtuber InTheLittleWood, whose real name is Martyn.
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